Portfolio > Digital Paintings

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Digital_Cintiq 16_PhotoShop_Hard Pencil
Hardcopy size: about 22" x 30"

"Hemera," "Sunflowers in Moonlight," "In These Metal Days," "Ether," "Foam," "Form," and "Format" depict the primeval forces of the ancient Greek religion. I used "The Homeric Hymns" and Hesiod's "Theogony" as my sources. (Please see my commentary about "Sunflowers in Moonlight" for more information about these primeval forces).

In this scene, the goddess Hemera (Day) has no form, she appears simply as light. It's not clear if sunlight or moonlight illuminates this seascape; that's intentional. Like my other artworks listed above, we see only Darkness and Night. I hope their passionate embrace ignites, energizes, and electrifies the mood I want this artwork to communicate.

I used the New Hampshire coast as the setting, depicting with great zeal the flora of this absolutely gorgeous place: a lone, gnarled pine tree and beach roses. I include no birds but do have bees going about their business.