Portfolio > Digital Paintings

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Adrina, Tone
Adrina, Tone
Digital_Cintiq 24 Pro_PhotoShop_Hard Pencil
Printed copy = 36" in the longer dimension

This image is Layer 14 of “Adrina, Line and Tone.” In it, I used broad areas of tone, tonal patches, and planar swatches. I typically use very few layers to make my digital art, but for "Adrina, Tone,” each layer shows step-by-step how I made this artwork from start to finish. I used it as a demonstration and lecture for my Digital Painting course at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro in Spring 2024.

In my two variants of this artwork, “Adrina, Line” and “Adrina, Line and Tone,” I incorporate cross contour lines that wrap around and across the body to describe its terrain and thus amplify its volume. I use these lines rhythmically, too, to create movement, flow, energy, etc. through body and into the surrounding space.